Thursday, March 23, 2006 

Thank You!

Well, my friends, the election is over. I would like to thank each and every one of you for supporting me to victory. It has yet to sink in that I am the newly-elected Vice President of the Student Council. Heidi ran a great campaign, and I consider myself fortunate to have won the elction.

Thank you to everyone involved in getting me elected and for all of the support I have received over the past two weeks. ¡Vivá la Revolución!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 

To Arms! To Arms!

Well, today is election day. I hope that everything goes much better today in Sussex than it did in Belarus this week. I would like to urge anyone making a last-minute check into my blog to listen to my speech and consider giving me your vote. I would definately appreciate it.

Good luck to everyone running and may next year's student council thrive!

¡Vivá la Revolución!
- Michael

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 

Election Eve is Here!

I want to thank everyone who has shown their support for me today, and for those honest enough to tell me they are voting for my opponent as well. I am also flattered by the amount of online support I have received via this blog and MySpace. One thing I would like to make sure of, however, is that no one is negative towards my opponent for my sake. On the contrary, Heidi and I are both members of our class government and where friendly acquaintences even before attending Bethany. In fact, we were both going to be attending Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts before we both ended up in Sussex. Small word.

I say all of that to say this: I respect Heidi very much, and if you'll notice, I took care not to even mention her by name on the blog until this post in order to avoid being perceived as running a smear campaign. My desire is that anyone speaking in support of me will use only positive words about the election.

That said, I hope you all come out tomorrow to hear my speech and, hopefully, vote for me. I would be very humbled by winning a campus-wide position. Thank you all again for your support.

¡Vivá la Revolución!
- Michael

EDIT: My fears have been confirmed, as someone has just told me that there are people on campus who believe that I am saying negative things in my campaign. This is, to say the least, regretable. I would like to reiterate my respect for Heidi and say that I have NEVER said anything against her throughout my campaign. I am not against Heidi being VP, but rather simply for me being VP, something I said in my second post on this very blog. I would like to assure all concerned that the comments that were unfortuantely perceived as being slanderous were entirely the words of others besides myself.

Heidi, best of luck tomorrow. I know that either of us will be fit for the job.

Monday, March 20, 2006 

My Resumé

6.5 Years of Service as Vice-Something
- 2 Years Vice-President of the Presque Isle High School Class of 2004
- 2 Years Vice-President of the Presque Isle High School Band
- 1 Year Vice-Chairman of the Town of Cutler, Dirigo Boys State
- 1 Year Vice-Chaplain of the Bethany Bible College Chorale
- 1/2 Year Vice-President of the Bethany Bible College Sophomore Class

Experience in ascending from Vice-President to President
- Took over Presidency of the 2006 BBC Sophomore Class mid-year
- Led the class in a successful fundraiser

An array of abilities vital for being a Vice-President
- The ability to juggle... both tasks at hand and colorful balls.
- An appreciation of golf... because let's face it, the president does more stuff.
- Mad crossword skillz... because I have to do something at student council meetings.
- A good looking right side... vital because of my position at the right hand of the president.
- A nifty blog... which will be updated with student council updates assuming I am elected.


Official Endorsements for Perry in '06

- David Kavanaugh, the one and only.
- Anthony Kyriakidis, representing the Panther fans of Greek origin from Buffalo, NY.
- Shane Diener, renouned red head and burger eater.
- Ryan Wiedmaier, photography geek, music snob, and toilet paper activist.
- Trish Korves, 6-year BBC legend.
- Damian Gonzalez, local Papal authority.
- Shane Milne, infamous Floridian ultimate frisbee machine.
- Aaron Parks, former XTREME discipleship student.
- Jonathan Hatt, prodigious Toronto Maple Leafs fan.
- Rebeckah Perry, my wife.
- Amy Thompson, reportedly in Testify last year.
- Marley Allen, who is in Testify right now.
- Damian Gula, tamer of savage beasts.
- Sarah Gibbs, Kentuckian butter churner extraordinare.
- Missy Gilbert, dancer, violinist, and Chuck Norris fan.
- Kristie Ingersol, who doesn't even know me.
- Rachel Gray, who isn't voting.
- Person X, identity unknown.
- Candice Jackson, the most noteworthy Baltimorian in Sussex.
- Rebecca Campbell, Candice's roommate and the possessor of some sweet cornrows.
- Rebecca Poe, vote for her for Spiritual Life Association.
- Sheri Horsman, Pinnacle Scholarship member who will probably not get kicked out.
- Darrick Lareva, who misses Rob Meeks, Josh McCracken, and his teddy bear.
- Ben Forsman, inferior at Halo to only Captain Majestic.

The list is ever-growing. If you would like to be added, please make a comment on this post.

¡Vivá la Revolución!


Interview with a Perspective Second Lady.

The following is a transcript of an interview between and perspective second lady, Mrs. Rebeckah Kay Perry. Hello, Rebeckah.

Mrs. Rebeckah Kay Perry: Mrs. Perry.

b.b.c: I'm sorry... Hello, Mrs. Perry.

RKP: Hello. It's good to be here.

b.b.c.: So, tell me - why would you be a good second lady? Readers demand to know.

RKP: I make a mean baked dip. I dress well. I'm nice. I love children. And reading. Well, I mean... I'm me.

b.b.c.: I see... how about feeding the poor?

RKP: Oh, I've fed the poor on many occassions. You can just ask Patricia Korves. She's poor, and I fed her.

b.b.c.: Good to hear. What would your theme as second lady be? I know Barbara Bush fought illiteracy as second lady of the United States (and later first lady).

RKP: IT's called the "NTJ Coalition," short for "No Tapered Jeans." The goal is to fight Tapered Jeans use worldwide.

b.b.c.: One more question - what will be the first thing you will do if Michael Perry is elected Vice-President of the student council?

RKP: Probably buy a Vespa. I've always wanted one.

Your future second family. Note the absense of tapered pants.


Posters Made, Posted.

SUSSEX, NB - " Vote for me." This call-to-arms has reverberated throughout the halls of local Bethany Bible College, bringing perhaps hundreds to the cause of Perry for Vice-President through the cryptic campaign message and accompanying witicism-laden blog.

In other Perry-related news, Shane Diener, renouned red head and burger eater, has officially endorsed Michael Perry for vice-president, creating an obvious boost in appeal amongst undecided voters with an appreciation for red meat.

Saturday, March 18, 2006 

Vice-Presidential Facts

1) Vice-Presidents are mammals.

2) Vice-Presidents are second only to vice-grips as the most appreciated of all vices. Now defunked television series Miami Vice ranks a distant third.

3) Vice-Presidents are known to eat both plants and animals.

4) Chuck Norris has never been a Vice-President of anything, which is fortunate, because he'd roundhouse kick the President if he was.

5) Pastey white men with curly hair make the best Vice-Presidents.


Important Issue Divides Perry and His Opponent

SUSSEX, NB - In the race for student council vice-presidency at local post-secondary school Bethany Bible College, Michael Perry, second-year student and vice-presidential candidate, has come out with his own theory on what divides he and his opponent.

"Well," said Perry, "I would say the biggest difference between my opponent and I is the fact that she doesn't want me to be vice-president."

More to follow.

Friday, March 17, 2006 

Welcome to the official website of the Michael Perry for Student Council Vice President 2006 Campaign. I hope you enjoy your time at the MPSCVP06 online headquarters and come back often to check for updates, as there will be a new post nearly every day between today and the election. Bookmark this site for all of your Student Council Vice-Presidential Race '06 news updates.

...and most importantly, vote for me for Vice President.

- Michael